Dude! is gas out of hand or what??? I go through so much gas in a day it kills me. I literally drive about 70 miles in a day. Even though my work pays me mileage its still bad. Gas goes up, but the mileage they pay me hasnt gone up in a year. So as of now it still covers my gas, but if it gets much higher i'll be losing money. Jamie called me today and said that she paid $4.15 at Chevron for gas today. The only reason she went to chevron is because she was desperate and it was the nearest gas station. I dont know how Chevron stays in business. Who buys their gas. It's literally .15 cents higher than anywhere else in town. Anyways just ranting because the prices are so outrageous and there is nothing we can do about it!
no joke, freakin' oil tycoons. I'd ride my bike to work if it wasn't 115 degrees at 6:30 in the morning and I didn't wear suits!
Whats up, This is Dane (Tracy's Husband). Look man, I feel your pain at the pump, Have you seen the diesel prices!!!!! WTF... 7.3L Turbo. Over a Benjamin and a half to fill up!!!!!!! It's killin me!!!!!!. You seem pretty cool,We need to go camping some time....I will take my keg-O-rator.....LOL or (LQTM)
P.S. What acronym would the diesel be???
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