So this is Dave. We have been friends for a very long time. I'm about to tell you a story about what happened yesterday involving him. Just so you all know my wifes cell number is 555-4869 (number slightly changed to protect the innocent). And Daves number is 555-8469. they are very close together. So...on to the story. Yesterday Jamie gets a call, and I can hear her talking to the person telling them that they have the wrong number, then she is listening to the other person talking, and she is telling them sorry, you have the wrong person. When she hangs up the phone I asked her what they wanted. She said that it was Search and Rescue, and someone had found a stranded family way up in the high sierras, and this was the number they had to call them for the directions to where the family was. We were both like awww man they have the wrong number....they are never going to find the family. So I have a thought......"hey, I wonder if by some weird chance they are looking for Dave" (since their numbers are so similar?) She says, "you know what, the guy asked for a Dave when he called." DUN DUN DUN!!!! So I called around and found out that Dave was actually backpacking up in the mountains at the time. NO WAY! what are the odds of all this right. So Jamie calls the guy back and says, "so I know this is going to sound strange, but I actually have a friend named Dave, his number is similar to mine, and he IS backpacking up in the mountains." So Jamie gives the guy Daves number, and he says that if he hears anything he will call us back. A few hours later the guy calls back to thank Jamie giving him Daves number because it was actually him, and to tell her that the family has been found. He told Jamie that if we wouldnt have given him Daves number they would not have gotten ahold of him (cause they had the number written down wrong), and they might not have found the family. Freaking crazy huh! We were trippin out!
Wow that is amazing! I'm glad you guys figured it out! But why is he on the cover of GQ?
Hey Kevin... Long time no talk.
First this story... is it true? Was Dave really stuck? We need a update! Second the last time I saw you I would say your style was much more punk and not so much clovis. What happened. I love it. H
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